Cal Cup 4 Results / Overall Cal Cup Results

Congratulations to Homestead A for winning the Varsity division of Cal Cup #4!

Varsity stats/results are here:…/tour…/4316/stats/varsity_finals/

Congratulations to Davis C for winning the JV division of Cal Cup #4!

JV stats/results are here:…/tournamen…/4316/stats/jv_finals/

Congratulations to Davis A for finishing in first place in the overall Cal Cup Varsity standings and congratulations to Davis B for finishing in first place in the overall Cal Cup JV standings!

The complete overall Cal Cup standings can be found here:…/1SehgLnu-KmM_NJ0KibEGrhdD5z…/edit…

Thank you to all of the team and Berkeley staff for their help!

Thank you all for a great fifth year of Cal Cup!