Valley Christian High School Tournament (January 14)

NCQBA and Valley Christian are pleased to announce that the Valley Christian Winter High School Tournament will be held on Saturday, January 14, 2017. This tournament will have separate JV and Varsity divisions; the field cap is 40 teams. Top 15% of Varsity teams will qualify for both Nationals (NSC and HSNCT).

Location: This tournament will take place at Valley Christian High School, 100 Skyway Drive, San Jose, CA, 95111. Registration will begin at 8:30AM in Room E206 and we plan to start round 1 at 9:00AM.

Questions: We will be using NAQT IS-157A for JV and NAQT IS-158 for Varsity. Please note: if you play at the Sacramento Fall tournament and wish to play in this tournamentĀ then you must play in the Varsity division inĀ at this tournament.

Eligibility: All high schools (public, private, charter, religious, homeschool, etc.) are eligible to play in this event.

Schools are encouraged to enter multiple teams, but please note that participants must play for the same team throughout the tournament.


Base fee: $80 per team

-$30 for schools that played zero quiz bowl tournaments during the 2015-2016 school year (per team)

-$10 per working buzzer system (must accommodate at least eight players) Labeled with the name of School/Team
-$10 per experienced moderator
-$10 per 100 miles traveled according to Google Maps (per team)

Minimum Entry Fee: $20 per team

Payment (cash or check) will be taken at check-in on January 14.

How to register: Please fill out this google form no later than Wednesday, January 11 indicating how many teams, buzzers, and staff your school plans to bring: … A/viewform

Jeff Hoppes is the Tournament Director. If you have any questions, contact him at