Sacramento Fall HS Tournament (Oct 12)

We plan to run the Sac HS Tournament on Sat, Oct 12 at Churchill Middle School in Carmichael. At this point, our opinion is that it is highly likely that the district will approve our request; if there is an issue then we will hear about it on Tuesday.

Registration is now open for Sacramento-area school and Reno-area schools. Bay Area schools can begin registering at 6PM on Sunday (not before).

We will be starting this tournament earlier than usual: Check-in will begin at 8:15AM and we will commence round 1 at 8:45AM. Thus, the competition should finish in the 4->4:30 range.

Schools that are new to quiz bowl + schools from the Reno-area will play this tournament for free.

This competition features separate JV and Varsity Division; teams that are new(er) to quiz bowl are encouraged to compete in the JV Division.

Register on the NAQT website here

Entry fee details are here

Thank you all for your patience during this process.